
& Collaborations

MOTEL777 is always excited to get involved with fellow creatives! Listed below are some of the collaborations & projects we have had a hand in.

Mushroomy is a collaborative online storefront featuring over 30 artists, and we are proud to have joined the team in February 2023! The Mushroomy team is located in Australia, which allows our merch to be more accessible to our friends across the pond. This gave us the chance to create exclusive designs based on Australian wildlife, including our “AUS ROADSIGN” series. Visit to check them out!

Logo designed by MOTEL777, & final touches done by Keaton Van’t Hull

ARTMART is an online pop-up shop, hosted 2020-2022. It was ran by myself & my friends at Curlworks and Camp Mustelid, based on the idea of helping artists make ends meet during the global pandemic. Together, we sold the works of over 20 artists, & shipped out hundreds of orders per pop-up!